DGA domain classifier#

This tutorial shows how to perform real-time DGA domain classification using a machine learning model for logs stored in the Devo platform.

Domain generation algorithms, DGA, are algorithms seen in various families of malware that are used to periodically generate a large number of domain names that can be used as rendezvous points with their command and control servers.

For example, an infected computer could create thousands of domain names such as: www.<gibberish>.com and would attempt to contact a portion of these with the purpose of receiving an update or commands. See DGA on Wikipedia to learn more about domain generation algorithms.

We are going to develop a simple machine learning model capable of classifying malicious domains in the demo.ecommerce.data table. We will use the Machine Learning H2O AI framework to build and train our model, the Machine Learning Model Manager Client to register it on the Devo platform, and the Devo Python SDK framework to evaluate and classify in real time the domains in the table using a query.


  • Python >= 3.7.

  • Devo table demo.ecommerce.data.

It is recommended for convenience to create a virtual environment to run the tutorial or use the notebook provided.


Let’s start by installing the required packages.

$ pip install devo-sdk
$ pip install devo-mlmodelmanager
$ pip install h2o

Then the needed imports.

import os
import h2o

from h2o.estimators import H2OGradientBoostingEstimator
from devo.api import Client, ClientConfig, SIMPLECOMPACT_TO_OBJ
from devo_ml.modelmanager import create_client_from_token, engines

Declare some constants for convenience in the code.

# A valid Devo access token
DEVO_TOKEN = '<your_token_here>'

# URL of Devo API, e.g. https://apiv2-us.devo.com/search/query/
DEVO_API_URL = '<devo_api_url_here>'

# URL of Devo ML Model Manager, e.g. https://api-us.devo.com/mlmodelmanager/
DEVO_MLMM_URL = '<devo_mlmm_url_here>'

# The domain to connect to, e.g. self
DOMAIN = '<your_domain_here>'

# The name of the model
MODEL_NAME = 'dga_classifier'

# The description of the models
MODEL_DESCRIPTION = 'DGA domain classifier'

# The path where model file will be stored
MODELS_PATH = '~/models'

# The URL of a dataset to build the model
DATASET_URL = "https://devo-ml-models-public-demos.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/legit_dga/dataset.csv"


Prepare the data#

This dataset will help us to train our model once it has been built. The dataset has the form host;domain;class;subclass.


We will add the columns length, entropy and vowel_proportion for each domain, and also the flag malicious indicating if it is a DGA domain according to the class column value.

# import dataset
domains = h2o.import_file(DATASET_URL, header=1)

# Prepare dataset
domains = domains[~domains['subclass'].isna()]
domains['length'] = domains['domain'].nchar()
domains['entropy'] = domains['domain'].entropy()
domains['vowel_proportion'] = 0
for v in VOWELS:
    domains['vowel_proportion'] += domains['domain'].countmatches(v)
domains['vowel_proportion'] /= domains['length']
domains['malicious'] = domains['class'] != 'legit'
domains['malicious'] = domains['malicious'].asfactor()

Build the model#

We use the h2o library to create a model capable of detecting whether a domain is malicious.


# split dataset
train, valid = domains.split_frame(ratios=[.8], seed=1234)

# create and train the model
model = H2OGradientBoostingEstimator(model_id=MODEL_NAME)
    x=['length', 'entropy', 'vowel_proportion'],

# save the model
os.makedirs(MODELS_PATH, exist_ok=True)


Register the model#

Once the model has been developed and saved, it must be registered on the Devo platform in order to exploit it. For this we will use the ML Model Manager Client.

# create the mlmm client
mlmm = create_client_from_token(DEVO_MLMM_URL, DEVO_TOKEN)

# register the model
    os.path.join(MODELS_PATH, f"{MODEL_NAME}.zip"),


Refer to User’s Guide of this documentation to learn more about the ML Model Manager Client.

So far we have everything ready to exploit our model.

Classify domains#

One way to evaluate a model is by querying a table and the mlevalmodel(...) operator available in the Devo query engine capable of evaluating machine learning models.

We are going to use the demo.ecommerce.data table, which contains the referralUri field, from which we can extract the domain we want to check.

A query that might be worthwhile would be something like this.

query = f'''from demo.ecommerce.data
  select split(referralUri, "/",2) as domain,
  float(length(domain)) as length,
  shannonentropy(domain) as entropy,
  float(countbyfilter(domain, "{VOWELS}")) as vowel_proportion,
  mlevalmodel("{DOMAIN}", "{MODEL_NAME}", length, entropy, vowel_proportion) as class


Refer to Build a query using LINQ to learn more about queries.

Well, now we just need to create an access to the Devo API and launch the query. With the Devo Python SDK, among other features, we can execute queries against the Devo platform easily and securely.

# create a Devo API client
api = Client(
    auth={"token": DEVO_TOKEN},

response = api.query(query=query, dates={'from': "now()-1*hour()"})

for row in response:


Refer to Query API to learn more about the Devo Query API.