This plugin only can represent three states. Those states can be configurated
by parameters that adjust the color, the icon and the values.
All params are required
colors: Array with three elements. The first element represent success val,
the second element represent a middle value and the third element
represente the fail case. Each one of colors has to be in hexadecimal
representation. Default values: 'green', 'orange', 'red'
icons: Array with three elements. The first element represent success val,
the second element represent a middle value and the third element
represente the fail case. Each one of icons has to be a css class
representation of the image. Default values: 'icon-ok-sign',
'icon-minus-sign', 'icon-remove-sign'
heightdefault: Integer that represents the height of the indicators.
Default value: 200
itemsbyrow: Number of items to show by row. Default value: 4
rules: is an array with two objects. The first object define the roule for
success state and the second object define the roule for the fail
state. Each object must contain a operator and value.
The operator can be any logical operator (>,<, ==, <=, =>, !=).
The value must be the value to compare.
Default: [{operator: '>=', value: 66.66},{operator: '<', value: 33.33}]
keyToShow (REQUIRED): column name to count
valToShow (REQUIRED): val to show
is_percent: Indicate if the comparation of rules must be with percent.
Default true