import processStructure from '@devoinc/applications-data-library/structures/chord';
import widgetFactory from '@devoinc/applications-builder/widgetFactory';
import dependencies from '../data/dependencies';
const BiChordWidget = dependencies.require('widgets').BiChordWidget;
* This chart displays the interrelationships between data through time.
* The data is arranged radially around a circle with the relationships
* between the different distinct values (represented as segments in the
* circle) drawn as arcs connecting the data together.
* Each arc is assigned a value that represents its proportion.
* @category Widgets
* @module Bichord
* @see [base](module-base.html)
* @see [collapser](module-collapser.html)
* @see [dataSearch](module-dataSearch.html)
* @see [download](module-download.html)
* @see [info](module-info.html)
* @see [lifeCycle](module-lifeCycle.html)
* @see [listeners](module-listeners.html)
* @see [loading](module-loading.html)
* @see [menu](module-menu.html)
* @see [screenshot](module-screenshot.html)
* @see [zoom](module-zoom.html)
* @tutorial widgets-bichord
function mixin(self) {
return {
* Set the column name to be represented.
* @param {string} str - Column name.
* @instance
setValue: (str) => (self.settings.valToShow = str),
* Set the source and target values of the relationships
* to be defined in the diagram.
* The source values are represented in the left part of the diagram.
* The target values are represented in the right part of the diagram.
* @example {source: 'source', target: 'target'}
* @param {Object} keys - keys to show
* @param {Object} keys.source - Source values of the relationships
* to be defined in the diagram.
* @param {Object} - Target values of the relationships
* to be defined in the diagram.
* @instance
setKeys: (keys) => (self.settings.keysToShow = keys),
* Set the minimum percentage of value to show.
* @param {number} percentage - Value between 0 and 100.
* @instance
setMinPct: (percentage) => (self.settings.minPct = percentage),
* Angle of separation between the two parts of the widgets.
* @param {number} angle - Value in grades.
* @instance
setSeparationAngle: (angle) => (self.settings.separationAngle = angle),
* Set a background frame for the sources side.
* @param {boolean} sourceSideClass - Enable or disable.
* @instance
setSourceSideClass: (sourceSideClass) =>
(self.settings.sourceSideClass = sourceSideClass),
* Set a background frame for the sources side.
* @param {boolean} targetSideClass - Enable or disable.
* @instance
setTargetSideClass: (targetSideClass) =>
(self.settings.targetSideClass = targetSideClass),
* Set the width of the area dedicated to represent a group.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* All calculations are performed with the radius available for the
* chord diagram, after removing the space of the labels and their
* connectors.
* @param {number|string|Function} width - Width value.
* @default Math.min(0.1 * radius, 20)
* @instance
setGroupWidth: (width) => (self.settings.groupWidth = width),
* The maximum angle occupied by the separations between groups.
* @param {number} padding - Value in radians.
* @default 0.015
* @instance
setGroupPadding(padding) {
self.settings.groupPadding = padding;
* The maximum percentage of separation between groups.
* @param {number} percent - Value between 0 and 100.
* @default 50
* @instance
setGroupPaddingPercent(percent) {
self.settings.groupPaddingPercent = percent;
* Set if the bands are colored with the color of the sources (true),
* or the colors of the targets (false).
* @param {boolean} sourceColoredChords - Value.
* @instance
setSourceColoredChords(sourceColoredChords) {
self.settings.sourceColoredChords = sourceColoredChords;
* Set enable or disable a band of color to give information of who is
* the target.
* @param {boolean} subgroups - Show subgroups.
* @default true
* @instance
setSubgroups(subgroups) {
self.settings.subgroups = subgroups;
* Similar to groupWidth, but when relative it is calculated with respect
* to the width of the group.
* This space is eaten by the width of the groups, so it should not
* exceed 50%.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* @param {number|string|Function} width - Width value.
* @default "33%"
* @instance
setSubgroupWidth(width) {
self.settings.subgroupWidth = width;
* Show the labels with the names of the groups.
* @param {boolean} labels - Enable or disable.
* @instance
setLabels: (labels) => (self.settings.labels = labels),
* Set the maximum width that is dedicated to the labels.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* @param {number|string|Function} width - Width value.
* @default "20%"
* @instance
setLabelMaxWidth: (width) => (self.settings.labelMaxWidth = width),
* Set a value to the calculate the height for the labels.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* @param {number|string|Function} scale - Scale value.
* @default "20%"
* @instance
setLabelHeightScale: (scale) => (self.settings.labelHeightScale = scale),
* Set the maximum occupancy of the perimeter with labels.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* @param {number|string|Function} density - Density value.
* @default "80%"
* @instance
setLabelMaxDensity: (density) => (self.settings.labelMaxDensity = density),
* The minimum height for the labels.
* It will evaluate the natural height of the current labels
* (if there are several heights, on the maximum).
* It only takes effect if <i>labelMaxDensity</> is not exceeded, which
* means that the size of the labels is being reduced because of its length.
* If this property takes effect, the content of some tags will be partially
* displayed.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* @param {number|string|Function} height - Height value.
* @default 5
* @instance
setLabelMinHeight: (height) => (self.settings.labelMinHeight = height),
* The width that is dedicated to connectors between labels and groups,
* if any are necessary.
* It is a value similar to groupWidth, but, when relative, it is
* calculated with respect to the effective width that is dedicated to
* the label.
* - If it is a number, it is understood as absolute width.
* - If it is a string with the form "nn%", it is understood to be a
* percentage of the radius.
* - If it is a string with the form "/ n", "* n", it is understood
* to be the radius divided or multiplied by n.
* - If it is a function, it is evaluated by passing the radius.
* @param {number|string|Function} width - Min width value.
* @default "33%"
* @instance
setLabelLeadersWidth: (width) => (self.settings.labelLeadersWidth = width),
* Set the color of labels.
* @param {string} color - Color.
* @default "black"
* @instance
setLabelColour: (color) => (self.settings.labelColour = color),
* Shows or hide the legend.
* @param {boolean} show - Enbale or disable.
* @default false
* @instance
setShowLegend: (show) => (self.settings.showLegend = show),
* Swaps sources and targets.
* @param {boolean} swap
* @default false
* @instance
setSwapped: (swap) => (self.settings.swapped = swap),
* Set enable or disable the period.
* @param {boolean} period - Enable or disable.
* @instance
setPeriodNavigation: (period) => (self.settings.periodNavigation = period),
* Set the legend background color.
* @param {string} color - Color.
* @default "rgb(32,32,32)"
* @instance
setLegendBgColor: (color) => (self.settings.legendBgColor = color),
* Set the font color for the legend.
* @param {string} color - Color.
* @default "rgb(190,190,190)"
* @instance
setLegendFontColor: (color) => (self.settings.legendFontColor = color),
* Limit the relationships to be displayed.
* @param {number} limit - Limit.
* @default 50
* @instance
setDisplayLimits: (limit) => (self.settings.displayLimits = limit),
* Limit the relationships to be displayed by percentile.
* @param {number} percentile - Percentage value.
* @default 100
* @instance
setPercentile: (percentile) => (self.settings.percentile = percentile),
* Lock the legend by ckicking on the chart.
* @param {boolean} bool - Enable or disable.
* @default true
* @instance
setclickToLockLegend: (bool) => (self.settings.clickToLockLegend = bool),
// Life Cycle
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Render function
* @param {object} orig - Data for process
* @ignore
render: function (orig) {
if (!self.el) return; // If not have element not render
let cfg = Object.assign({}, self.settings);
let data = processStructure(
self.withDownloadButton = false;
if (data) {
self.widget = new BiChordWidget(cfg);
force: true,
data: true,
} else {
msg: 'NO DATA',
console: {
method: 'error',
msg: 'No data arrive to render function',
* Process on
* @param {*} self
* @ignore
processOn: function (self) {
self.settings.on = self.settings.on || [
on: ['groupover', 'labelover'],
perform: function (d) {
let legendDom = self.widget._domContainer.find('.legend');
var legendValues = self.widget._domContainer.find('.legendValues'),
total = 0,
legendDom.css('color', self.widget._settings.legendFontColor);
legendValues.css('color', self.widget._settings.legendFontColor);
if (typeof d != 'undefined' && typeof d.index != 'undefined') {
self.widget.fadeAll(0.15, d.index);
if (self.widget._settings.showLegend) {
widthDom = self.widget._domContainer.width();
if (this._settings.clickToLockLegend) {
legendRows = this._settings.displayLimits;
} else if (widthDom <= 800) {
legendRows = Math.floor(
(self.widget._domContainer.height() - 100) / 31
} else if (widthDom <= 1200) {
legendRows = Math.floor(
(self.widget._domContainer.height() - 120) / 31
} else {
legendRows = Math.floor(
(self.widget._domContainer.height() - 140) / 31
((d.value / self.widget._totalSum) * 100).toFixed(2) +
'% ' + +
' (' +
d.value.toFixed(2) +
currentKey =
(d.index >= this._trgno ? '#src#' : '#trg#') +;
valLen = self.widget._statData[currentKey].values.length;
for (i = 0; i < valLen; i++) {
let statData = self.widget._statData[currentKey];
let percent1 = (
(( - total) / *
if (i === legendRows - 1 && valLen > legendRows) {
.css('white-space', 'nowrap')
.css('box-shadow', 'none')
.html(`<b>${percent1} %</b> Grouped values
(${ - total})`)
let value = statData.values[i];
let percent = ((value.value / * 100).toFixed(
.css('white-space', 'nowrap')
.css('box-shadow', 'none')
.css('margin-bottom', '4px')
.attr('title', statData.values[i].value.toFixed(2))
`<b>${percent} %</b> ${} (${value.value})`
total += statData.values[i].value;
on: ['groupout', 'labelout'],
perform: () => {
on: ['chordover'],
perform: function (d) {
var legendDom = self.widget._domContainer.find('.legend'),
legendValues = self.widget._domContainer.find('.legendValues'),
total = 0,
legendDom.css('color', self.widget._settings.legendFontColor);
legendValues.css('color', self.widget._settings.legendFontColor);
if (
typeof d != 'undefined' &&
typeof d.source != 'undefined' &&
typeof d.source.index != 'undefined'
) {
self.widget.fadeAll(0.15, d.source.index);
if (self.widget._settings.showLegend) {
widthDom = this._domContainer.width();
if (this._settings.clickToLockLegend) {
legendRows = this._settings.displayLimits;
} else if (widthDom <= 800) {
legendRows = Math.floor(
(this._domContainer.height() - 100) / 24
} else if (widthDom <= 1200) {
legendRows = Math.floor(
(this._domContainer.height() - 120) / 24
} else {
legendRows = Math.floor(
(this._domContainer.height() - 140) / 24
((d.source.value / self.widget._totalSum) * 100).toFixed(2) +
'% ' + +
' (' +
d.source.value.toFixed(2) +
currentKey = '#trg#' +;
valLen = self.widget._statData[currentKey].values.length;
for (i = 0; i < valLen; i++) {
if (i === legendRows - 1 && valLen > legendRows) {
.css('box-shadow', 'none')
.css('white-space', 'nowrap')
'<b>' +
((self.widget._statData[].total - total) /
self.widget._statData[].total) *
).toFixed(2) +
'%</b> Grouped values (' +
(self.widget._statData[].total - total) +
.css('box-shadow', 'none')
.css('white-space', 'nowrap')
.css('mrgin-bottom', '4px')
'<b>' +
(self.widget._statData[currentKey].values[i].value /
self.widget._statData[currentKey].total) *
).toFixed(2) +
'%</b> ' +
self.widget._statData[currentKey].values[i].target +
' (' +
self.widget._statData[currentKey].values[i].value +
total += self.widget._statData[currentKey].values[i].value;
on: ['chordout', 'labelout'],
perform: () => {
export default widgetFactory(mixin);