Source code for devo_ml.modelmanager.api

"""Low-level HTTP API Rest access in a :doc:`Requests <requests:index>`
library wrapper.

from __future__ import annotations

import requests

from typing import Any

from .auth import AuthCallable
from .error import ModelManagerError

valid_methods = ["get", "post", "patch", "put", "delete"]

[docs]def decode_response(response: requests.Response) -> Any: """Decodes a requests response to json. :param response: The requests response :return: A decoded response or None if any decode error. """ try: return response.json() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: return None
[docs]def validate_or_raise_error(status_code: int, response: Any) -> None: """Checks whether a decoded response is valid. Depend on the status code value will raise an exception. Only 2xx status code are considered valid. :param status_code: The http status code of a response. Depend on its value will raise an exception. Only 2xx status code are considered valid. :param response: A decoded response. Just for give more information about the error when possible. :raises ModelManagerError: If is not a valid status code. :return: Nothing """ if 200 <= status_code < 300: return None if isinstance(response, dict): raise ModelManagerError.from_code( response.get("code", 0), msg=response.get("msg", "Unexpected error") ) raise ModelManagerError(code=0, msg="Unexpected error")
[docs]class Api: """Low level api calls based on :doc:`Requests <requests:index>` lib."""
[docs] def __init__(self, auth: AuthCallable = None, **kwargs): """Creates a :class:`Api`. :param auth: The authentication to use :param kwargs: Options to the underlying requests """ self.auth = auth self.timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None) or 30 self.request_options = kwargs self._http_method = "get"
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """Saves method to call if `attr` is a valid method. Otherwise, built-in followed. :param attr: The attribute name to get :return: The object itself or the attribute value """ if attr not in valid_methods: return super().__getattr__(attr) self._http_method = attr return self
[docs] def __call__(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> Any: """Call to an endpoint. :param endpoint: The endpoint to call :param kwargs: Custom options to the underlying requests for this call :return: The decoded response """ response = self.request(endpoint, **kwargs) decoded_response = decode_response(response) validate_or_raise_error(response.status_code, decoded_response) return decoded_response
[docs] def request(self, endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response: """Wraps a requests call to catch any error in :exc:`ModelManagerError <devo_ml.modelmanager.error.ModelManagerError>`. :param endpoint: The endpoint to request :param kwargs: Custom options to the underlying requests for this request. Will be merged with the options of the :class:`Api` object. :raises ModelManagerError: if any :exc:`RequestException <requests.exceptions.RequestException>`. :return: Request response """ try: options = self.build_request_options(**kwargs) return requests.request(self._http_method, endpoint, **options) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise ModelManagerError(msg=str(e)) from e
[docs] def build_request_options(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """Builds the options for a request by merging the :class:`Api` object request options with the options provided. The options provided take precedence over the options in the :class:`Api` object. :param kwargs: Custom request options :return: Merged request options """ timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", self.timeout) auth = kwargs.pop("auth", self.auth) options = {**self.request_options} options.update(auth=auth, timeout=timeout, **kwargs) return options