Source code for devo_ml.modelmanager.auth

"""Supported authentication methods of ML Model Manager."""

from __future__ import annotations

import abc

from typing import Callable
from requests import PreparedRequest

#: Signature type for callable authentications.
AuthCallable = Callable[[PreparedRequest], PreparedRequest]

#: Constant denoting authentication type Bearer.
BEARER = "bearer"

#: Constant denoting authentication type StandAlone.
STANDALONE = "standalone"

[docs]def get_default_auth_type() -> str: """Returns the default authentication type used. :return: The default authentication """ return STANDALONE
[docs]def validate_auth_type(auth_type: str) -> bool: """Checks whether a value is a valid authentication type. :param auth_type: The value to validate :return: ``True`` if the value is a valid authentication type otherwise ``False`` """ return auth_type in (BEARER, STANDALONE)
[docs]def create_auth_from_token( token: str, auth_type: str = STANDALONE ) -> AuthCallable: """Creates an authentication object based on a token ready to use by the client. :param token: The token to authenticate :param auth_type: The type of the authentication, defaults to :const:`STANDALONE` :raises ValueError: if ``auth_type`` is not valid :return: An authentication object """ if not validate_auth_type(auth_type): raise ValueError(f"Invalid auth type: '{auth_type}'") return { BEARER: HttpDevoBearerTokenAuth, STANDALONE: HttpDevoStandAloneTokenAuth, }.get(auth_type, HttpDevoStandAloneTokenAuth)(token)
[docs]class HttpDevoTokenAuth(abc.ABC): """An HTTP authentication scheme based on a token supported by ML Model Manager. The implementations of this class are objects ready to use by the client to authenticate and also by :doc:`Requests <requests:user/authentication>` library. """
[docs] def __init__(self, token: str) -> None: """Creates an authentication base on a token. :param token: The token used """ self.token = token
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, req: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest: """Subclasses must implement this method to client be able to call it as a function when authenticate a request. :param req: The request object to authenticate :return: The request object authenticated """
[docs]class HttpDevoStandAloneTokenAuth(HttpDevoTokenAuth): """An :class:`HttpDevoTokenAuth` that authenticates a request with HTTP Devo Standalone authentication scheme. """
[docs] def __call__(self, req: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest: """Adds the header ``standAloneToken: <token>`` to the request. :param req: The request object to authenticate :return: The request object authenticated with proper header """ req.headers['standAloneToken'] = self.token return req
[docs]class HttpDevoBearerTokenAuth(HttpDevoTokenAuth): """An :class:`HttpDevoTokenAuth` that authenticates a request with HTTP Bearer authentication scheme. """
[docs] def __call__(self, req: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest: """Adds the header ``Authorization: Bearer <token>`` to the request. :param req: The request object to authenticate :return: The request object authenticated with proper header """ req.headers['Authorization'] = f"Bearer {self.token}" return req