
- Choice picker

Choice picker let you select an option of a set.

<main class="lt-vapp-main" id="main1">
  <nav class="">
    <ul style="margin: 10px 20px;">
      <li style="display: inline-block; margin-left: 10px;">
        <div id="myChoice"></div>

Now we need to attach this input with the ChoicePickerField component. Edit the app.js file.

import ChoicePickerField from '@devoinc/applications-builder/fields/ChoicePickerField';
import dataTree from '@devoinc/applications-builder/data/dataTree';


let choiceInput = new ChoicePickerField({
  id: '#myChoice',
  choices: [
    { id: 'all', value: '', text: 'All' },
    { id: 'get', value: 'GET', text: 'GET' },
    { id: 'post', value: 'POST', text: 'POST' },
    { id: 'put', value: 'PUT', text: 'PUT' },
  default: 'all',
  onChange: () => {
    dataTree.root.set('method', choiceInput.getValue());



We will use the following query for this example.

  new RequestApi({
    template: `from demo.ecommerce.data
    where isempty("{{method}}") or method="{{method}}"
    group every 5m by method, statusCode
    select count() as count`,
    dates: dateRange.fromNow(1, 'day'),

Note that we will use the template attribute instead of query

The next thing to do, is to subscribe to the changes that can be made on the method variable that we have added previously. We will edit the resources/requests.js file to do this, but you can do it however you prefer.

import dataTree from '@devoinc/applications-builder/data/dataTree';


dataTree.root.subscribe('method', (value) => {
  requests.get('lines').parseTemplate({ method: value }, true);

Finally, the widget need to be updated as the following

import dataTree from '@devoinc/applications-builder/data/dataTree';


widget = seriesWidget('widgetContainer');
    [requests.get('lines').parseTemplate({ method: '' })],
  widget.setKeys(['method', 'statusCode']);
Choice picker