
Initial configuration

The applications have the same basic structure: App > Tabs > Sections > Widgets.

Each of these structures are JavaScript classes, imported from Devo Applications Builder and added to a dependency tree contained in the application. The main class (App) is loaded in the src/app.js file and it contains the initial configuration of an application.

This initial configuration can be changed so that when the application starts, its values are loaded. The list of allowed parameters is as follows:

Bootstrapping Parameters

Param Default Description
defaultSettingsPanel true Used to construct the right configuration panel.
datesCallback This callback is triggered when the global dates are changed. It's a function for update #callfrom and #callto elements content
titleSize `` The size of the. One of: big-headers, small-headers or `` (normal)
dates One day dateRange The initial dates to use in all application.
theme theme-light The default theme to show. One of: theme-light, theme-dark or custom
displayDescription true Shows the descriptions of the widgets.
displayMenuWidgetsExpanded false Shows a compressed/expanded menu for widgets.
displayCollapsibles true Makes sections and widgets collapsibles.
displayCompact false Displays the application in compact mode and removes the space between elements on the application.
displayBordered false Displays a border around elements on the application.
tvBtn true Trigger TV mode bar.
fsBtn true Trigger fullscreen bar.

You cand change some of those params, like the followinf example:

import config from './config';
import bootstrap from '@devoinc/applications-builder/bootstrap';
import App from '@devoinc/applications-builder/App';


let app = new App(config.id);
bootstrap.app(app, {
  theme: 'theme-dark'